Why are Silver Prices are rising!
Silver is an industrial precious metal that is used in many products all over the world. It is used in coins, flatware, jewelry, medical applications, solar energy, cell phones, electronics, and the list is countless. Silver is one of the best conductors of electricity, heat, most reflective, anti-microbrial. It is widely used in medical products such as anti microbrial bandages, x-ray film and several other new uses.
Financial guru Robert Kiyosaki, Entrepreneur, and Famous Author who has sold millions of copies of Rich Dad, Poor Dad Has quite a bit to say about this issue. He teaches people on how to become millionaires and educates people about investments and how to become wealthy entrepreneurs. In the video below he explains why Silver is one of the best investments you can make right now! When compared to Gold, it is more widely used and way more affordable for people to invest in.
Silver Prices climbing!
Robert Kiyosaki ... "Silver is the best investment right now" and talks about the decline of the dollar.
Silver prices Surging!
Silver prices are expected to reach above $50/an ounce in 2012, According to NYSE (ETF Daily News). In 2011 silver reached to $50 /an oz. and then went back down to $30/an oz. Its predicted new highs in both Gold and Silver over $50/an oz. for silver and $1800-$1900/an oz. range for Gold.
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